"¡Precaución! Tu familia también usa la bicicleta" PSA

Because we felt solidarity with a population that uses bicycles but often gets overlooked, City of Lights experimented with various ways to include hispanohablante (Spanish-speaking) bicycle users in L.A.'s bicycle advocacy and policy. One of our favorites was working with day laborers to create a Spanish language street safety public service announcement (PSA) targeting Latinx motorists.

While our team worked with filmmaker Jordan Melograna to produce the PSA, artist Aaron Kuehn created a colorful poster that could be installed around L.A. County as part of the campaign. In a video below you can learn more about our design process, which resulted in the message "¡Precaución! tu familia también usa la bicicleta" (Be careful! Your family rides bikes too). The campaign was funded by LADOT and REI.